Author: cahouser

  • Business Lessons from a Guy with a Face Tattoo: Mexico Month Part 2

    Business Lessons from a Guy with a Face Tattoo: Mexico Month Part 2

    I was halfway through one of my talks on AI and customer acquisition in Guadalajara when I locked eyes with the most unforgettable person in the room: a guy with full-face tattoos. What came next was a reminder of how entrepreneurs—even those working around NSFW topics—are subject to the same rules of growth and marketing.

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  • Invisible Architecture of Opportunity: Mexico Month Part 1

    Invisible Architecture of Opportunity: Mexico Month Part 1

    During my visit to Guadalajara, I posted up in a small, upscale coffee shop in a nice neighborhood. I sat at a table and began planning out my day. Across the room, I noticed the woman behind the counter, confined to a small 6×4 foot rectangular space, barely big enough for her to move freely. Her workspace seemed like a tiny, constrained box, while I sprawled out in the open space reserved for the patrons. 

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  • Schwarzenegger and the 50/50 Rule

    Schwarzenegger and the 50/50 Rule

    Arnold Schwarzenegger is known for many things: bodybuilding champion, action movie star, governor of California. But there’s a lesser-known aspect of his success that entrepreneurs and creators would do well to emulate: his understanding of the 50/50 rule.

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  • The 10% Rule of Camera Presence

    The 10% Rule of Camera Presence

    Improving your on-camera presence is easier than you think. The 10% rule offers a straightforward approach that enhances your performance without compromising authenticity.

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  • Expert Showdowns: A Riff on Live Learning

    Expert Showdowns: A Riff on Live Learning

    Friendly competition makes for good learning experiences. This post is a quick recap of a series I’m running so people know what they’re getting into when they attend or present at an Expert Showdown.

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  • Stumbling to Greatness

    Stumbling to Greatness

    Three years ago, I spoke at a conference for entrepreneurs in Washington, D.C. I barely remember what I talked about that day. I can’t remember any of the other speakers, except for one.

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  • Unfakeable Expertise

    Unfakeable Expertise

    A folk singer named Dan Bern played at my college one weekend. For reasons unknown to me—perhaps my school had talked him into it or he just enjoyed teaching—he was also running a songwriting workshop the afternoon of his show. I’d clocked a thousand hours of strumming and penning lyrics in my bedroom so I showed up, thinking I might learn a thing or two.

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  • The Art Of Approaching Strangers: Lessons From Humans Of New York

    The Art Of Approaching Strangers: Lessons From Humans Of New York

    Business and entrepreneurship depend on people. People you work with, people you sell to, people you pitch. This article unpacks what one guy learned forming connections with others by cold-approaching strangers in a famously cold city. As a bonus, I’ve found that talking to strangers is a beautiful counter-response to the arms race for attention that is the ad-driven internet. So let’s learn from a master at the practice.

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