The 10% Rule of Camera Presence

File under: “one weird trick” that actually works

Improving your on-camera presence is easier than you think. The 10% rule offers a straightforward approach that enhances your performance without compromising authenticity.

What is the 10% Rule?

The 10% rule suggests increasing your energy level by about 10% when addressing the camera. This doesn’t mean becoming a different person or putting on a performance. Instead, it involves giving your natural personality a slight boost to compensate for the energy lost in transmission. Think of it as a few sips of coffee, not an entire energy drink.

Why 10%?

The 10% rule is effective for two key reasons:

Natural authenticity: This modest boost helps you avoid overdoing it. You avoid coming across as “fake” or overly performative. It enhances your natural personality rather than creating an artificial persona.

Manageable effort: A 10% increase in energy is achievable for most people without being overly draining. It’s a small adjustment that doesn’t feel like a heavy lift, making it easier to maintain consistently.

This small adjustment often does more than you might expect to help you come across as engaged and dynamic on screen, while still feeling natural and less tiring than a more dramatic change.

Be Like Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks exemplifies this approach. During interviews and public appearances, Hanks doesn’t transform completely. He comes off as a slightly more animated version of his everyday self.

His energy noticeably rises compared to casual settings but never becomes excessive or inauthentic. Need an example? Here’s Tom perfectly in the pocket in an interview with Graham Norton:

This subtle elevation in energy makes him engaging on camera while maintaining his approachable demeanor.

Small Change, Big Impact

The next time you’re on camera, raise your energy by 10%. You’ll come off as more naturalistic and it won’t drain you.

Happy filming!

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